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Meet Martha Redpath CNM, MSN


How did this daily habit catch me?

Why am I drinking so much when I know its not good for me?

It seems so easy: pour a glass of wine making dinner, hosting, celebrating, after a stressful day. 

Off call:  pour the wine

Retirement: pour the wine.

Covid: pour more wine.

We are told that alcohol is the magic trick to ease stress, help with sleep, make us more fun, more sexy, more EVERYTHING. 

But inside I KNEW. This isn't good for me. There has got to be a better way.

I knew SOMETHING needed to change.  

I had tried limiting the amount, setting up rules. And breaking them.


I found coaching. And oh my, my soul lit up. 

Like labor, it is a blend of effort and ease. 

It is WORK, but the outcome is amazing.

You find new energy for yourself, your priorities, your loved ones. You feel FREE from that "what's wrong with me" voice. 


Reach out by email to see what it can be!


There's a crack in everything. 
That's how the Light gets in.
                -Leonard Cohen


Featured on Alcohol Freedom Finders Podcast Dec 2024

When Martha’s life circumstances changed her guardrails around drinking changed too.. - Episode 7

About Provider Space


To empower people to live our most authentic lives



To support midwives and others all over the world to know their deep value, free from substances, connected to community


Core values: 

All people have the capability to change and grow

All people have the right to accept ALL parts of themselves with respect and dignity

All change occurs from within

Safety, trust and relationship allow transformation

Healing occurs in known and unknown ways


Statement of integrity:

Provider space coaches maintain a lifestyle free of alcohol and other substances but does in no way judge or discriminate against those who choose otherwise

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