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Being vulnerable


Being vulnerable.





Out of our control.

Surrendering to what IS rather than something else.

When travelling? I LOVE that feeling of vulnerability: open to the Unknown. Free of routines. It seems every day is a day of experiencing the magic of life. I EXPECT to be open to the Unknown. Seek it. See it. Experience that. Why is that? Why is it SO much easier to capture that new moment that fills all our senses when experiencing some place new?

CAN there be an element of openness to vulnerability now? In day to day life? Can I let the Known routines/expectations/life as I have known it be new, gift giving?

Can there be an element of joy in the midst of letting go?

Or even trickier: can we be real with it ALL? Can those feelings that are messy, be shared alongside the filter of learning? THAT sort of vulnerability is HARD.

And still, even when hard, there is that nudge TOWARDS that tender vulnerability of painful spots. That part of us that Knows, truly knows, that our points of vulnerability are our Souls longing towards authentic being. Not based on anythings but what IS. Honest. Messy. Human.

Can I be open, honest, tender, vulnerable with it all?

I wonder.

I'm learning.

Brene Brown says "vulnerability is the first thing I look for in you, but its the last thing I want you to see in me. In you, it's courage. In me, its inadequacy. In you, it's strength and lovability. In me, it's shame".

Receiving. Allowing others' to be part of our journey.

Its part of vulnerability isn't it?

I am grateful that the Web of Life weaves us all together in Mysterious ways.

So grateful for my coaching colleagues that encourage me again and again to enter into this wild and wonderful journey of Unveiling our authentic selves.

Its is an honor to witness this.

Come dive in with me.

It is easier with support.


xo Martha

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