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As midwives, we know so well about courage.

Courage to TRUST in the power of birth.

Courage to demonstrate every day that midwives provide SAFE care by protecting the NORMAL.

Courage to show up when you're tired.

Courage to collaborate and be the advocate for what is needed.

And then we go home. The beeper is off.

And it seems so normal to have that glass of wine.

That was ok for a long time.

But then. But then. What was the turning point?

Retiring was a big one.

The loss of a dear friend a big one.

Our son getting shot, ya, a really big one.

Aging, of course an ongoing big one.

But more than what was/is going on with ME, I realize alcohol itself is an addictive substance.

ANYONE, if drinking a regular amount, a regular routine, CAN find themselves drinking more than they like.

Becoming aware of the amount of space alcohol was taking up in my life was surprising.

Exploring, reading, learning, being open: COURAGE.

Once I opened that door, I found an entire world wide network through This Naked Mind of others' also exploring their relationship with alcohol: without labels, judgement. With compassion.

With SCIENCE. And studies around our neurochemistry and lasting behavior change tactics.

AND.....the desire for alcohol just melted. I truly can drink as much as I want. I just don't have ANY interest in it anymore. Why? Because I've found the life back to my authentic self. As imperfect as it is. Its me.

There is a spark of courage within. That is true. I followed that curious voice: what would life be without alcohol? (if even for just a month which is where it started)

But what made ALL the difference for me?

Finding the thread of courage of SO MANY who are exploring a life without alcohol. It can be as simple as wanting to be healthier!

I have NO idea what is ahead. Courage? You bet.

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