How many mixed messages about pregnancy/birth/parenting flood our beings?
The art of midwifery is hearing those fears, holding them lightly, offering information that can plant the seeds of Trust. Every time we meet, feel a belly, enter into the room with calm, we set the stage for moving beyond the fears and seeing inner power unfold. We are presenting a perspective that these changes within and in their lives is a TRANSFORMING process to be honored, embraced. When supported by a trusted midwife, we somehow gain the experience of moving through doubts and fear,s. We learn to walk with them,. In spite of them.
I was terrified to change my alcohol pattern. My heart beat fast as I googled things like: how much drinking is too much? How would it effect my marriage when we have such a ritual of cocktail hour together? Will I be able to deal with his annoying habits without that evening wine soothing my edges? What will others think? Will I always want to drink and feel deprived? I knew there was no way I was going to meetings that started with "hi my name is Martha and I'm an alcoholic". No way. I still don't believe in the term alcoholic. (Why blame the PERSON when its the addicting SUBSTANCE causing the trouble???).
Change evokes fears and doubts by its very nature. Human beings LIKE having the comfort of the known patterns. Change challenges that. Its a protective guard that serves us..... most of the time.
What is the means to OPEN that protective fear and doubt??? Curiosity.
Consider: MAYBE there is another way.
Maybe there is another way of seeing a challenge to change that doesn't make the doubts totally go away, but allows movement WITH the doubt.
What if changing alcohol patterns is another example of facing our fears and doubts. Like pregnancy, finding a supportive midwife who can personalize your journey into transformation can make all the difference in the world. Finding a coach along the alcohol journey is similar.
The work of allowing the doubts /fears AND moving forward with 'What if there's another way to approach this" is the start.
"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change" -Wayne Dyer
Reach out by email and we can explore a new way to look at things.
There really IS a way to do this.
xo Martha