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Gray wolf


Do you know the story about the boy seeking guidance from the elder when seeing conflict inside himself: there is the black wolf, full of anger, pain, fear, and the white wolf full of kindness, love, joy??? He asks the elder: "which one is stronger?" and the answer from the elder is: "the one you feed".

Yes. Its true we have choice around what we focus our attention on. And yes, I DO see that "where focus goes, energy flows". BUT. BUT

As soon as we think EITHER one part is good, the other bad, we set up a conflict inside. Our minds feel it. Our bodies feel it. Judgement. Blame. Shame. It makes it all bigger. Fear attracts fear. Conflict builds conflict and when we are at odds with ourselves and we are used to the habit of soothing that conflict inside with alcohol, we drink MORE rather than less.

And if you're a midwife, caring for so many, carrying the life/death moments every day, its easy to have that big glass of wine at the end of the day. Over time, because alcohol is addictive, is there any surprise you drink more??? Hiding happens. That battle in your head: drink/don't drink gets louder. It feels horrible. You feel stuck.

What if the first step towards freedom with alcohol ISN"T about stopping????

What if there is freedom from misery? Freedom from hiding? Freedom from alcohol?

You get to choose. Your terms. Your timing.

This system of coaching brings the black wolf and the white wolf together. Its not either/or. You find the Gray Wolf of holding both.

Curious???? Book a discovery call today.


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