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Safety and Trust


As midwives we know the powerful connection of trust. We know what a difference it makes if the setting surrounding birth is offering soft, soothing sounds, gentle release, surrender to the sensations. Sometimes all that is needed is a calming presence for someone to know they are OK.

As we are entering new places for ourselves, the safe setting is also needed.

As midwives looking at our drinking patterns, we also need confidentiality.

It is frightening to find ourselves drinking more than we want to.

Holy shit. What does that even mean?

Run and hide. Run and hide. (and end up drinking MORE). This is the painful part. I dare say, it is the suffering part. The miserable part. Alcohol isn't even fun any more. I tried to set up guard rails: "only 2 drinks". That didn't work. "Only on the weekends" but then I'd have a day midweek off call and convince myself its sort of a midwife's weekend.

This part. This knowing you're drinking more than you want, trying to figure out moderation again and again feels like a bit of hell. And when you're doing it in secret, it has so many covered layers.

What if there IS a way off that cycle?

What if there IS a safe space, a confidential space, a space where there is NO judgement, rules or meetings?

What if there IS a way to be present for your family on your days off?

That wise voice inside you is already there: wondering. Unsure. Wondering.

When you feel safe. When you feel trust, so much can release into the part of you longing for transformation. (it's still frightening to start with, that's part of it too!)

Reach out to see what might be!

xo Martha

Midwife the midwives....

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