As midwives, we see the power of vulnerability. Every day. We have the privilege of witnessing the remarkable journey of birth, that always, always, even in the most confident of birthing mammas, includes feeling vulnerable. Among many things, I believe that TRUST, is often the moment of believing in ourselves. A trusting relationship helps hold the space for opening. Releasing. Allowing. Getting to the authentic powerful place of birthing.
For me, coming into that vulnerability with my own journey with alcohol also needed that place of trust. I thought I could change my habits with simple will power (that failed MANY times).
I NEEDED others (of course!).
But I was afraid to reach out. That fear kept me spinning in the hamster wheel of beating myself up for a pattern that, from the outside, seemed perfectly "normal". But I knew. Inside. I didn't feel clear in the mornings after the wine the night before.
I knew, inside, that I'd wake up thinking "well THAT was too much" only to pour the wine as I made dinner because... well you know.... that's what I do. (or did)
Finding coaching, hearing others' who are HAPPILY living without alcohol was a whole new concept to me to explore. Hmmm. Curious!
If my story resonates with the midwife, nurse-practitioner, mother of adult children, caretaker of aging parents etc (I mean, how many hats as providers are there???), EACH one, who needs to hear that there IS another way to frame alcohol: it is my honor to be part of that.
Just as it has been an honor to witness the powerful vulnerability with birth. It is an honor to be a trusted sounding board around this new birthing of ourselves around alcohol.
Its ok to be vulnerable. And find Trust.