Wine witch. Beer Bitch. Zinzilla. Billy Booze. Dicky Drink. What are others? Please do share! They're intended to be funny. But are they really? Kinda edgy.
Is it compassion based? Critical?
When I first started listing the negative thoughts in my head (yep, actually writing down as much as I can)... WHOA BABY, that shit is MEAN! Would I say that to ANYONE? Why is it ok to say that to myself???
Pema Chodren, wonderful author, Buddist Teacher, encourages us to embrace ALL sides of ourselves. ALL experiences. The good/bad/happy/sad/easy/hard/messy parts of life in all the various presentations. I love how practical she is in her presentation of profound truths. The messier it is, she says, the juicier it is for lessons to look at. All. Not just the presentable parts. Even the parts of myself that I'd prefer to keep under a rock.
One of the biggest things that has softened that inner critic is giving her a place at the table. Asking: what do I need right now? What am I FEELING right now? How can I take care of myself right now? Pretty sure thats what my brain was trying to do with wine every night. It just had the wrong tool. It was based on MANY assumptions I know is total nonsense. (Alcohol helps me sleep,relax, be more fun, celebrate, enjoy food more, etc etc).
April Fools.
This Naked Mind with Annie Grace's work was a game changer.
I couldn't figure it out on my own.
Its been more than a year that I started this exercise of writing down as many of my finger wagging thoughts. Finding new ways to reframe thoughts and feelings into a perspective that is KIND, compassionate and honestly, more TRUE is life changing. Rather than feeling stuck, there is a powerful ocean moving through.
Dip your toes in. See what's on the other side! That wine witch can end up being a kind teacher.